Moody image of a forest at night with a purple and dark blue sky. The moon glows through the top right corner. A quote from Drifting in a Dream is written in script across the bottom of the image.
Hero image showing a dark, murky forest with a glimmer of light near the centre. The series tagline 'The time is now' features along with a question 'Are you ready?'
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Drifting in a Dream

Power Wielders Book 1

Kaiya Parks was running out of time to decide her future when a single choice plunged her into the middle of a decades-old battle against the shadows. Three wielders are chosen to defeat the coming darkness, gifted unimaginable power and a destiny they never thought possible. 

Searching for answers, Kaiya and her friends are drawn deeper into a mystery that began before any of them were born. With more questions than answers, and the fate of the world hanging in the balance Kaiya needs to decide her destiny quickly, before the Fragments destroy any hope of a future.

Falling in Flames

Power Wielders Book 2

Kaiya’s career as a power wielder wasn’t off to a great start. So far, she and Benji had managed to unleash the Fragments Queen and seven Shards. The only way to fix their mistakes is as a team; water, wind and fire working together. Torn between her duty as a Power Wielder and the end of her college career, the time for passivity is over.

As the team struggle with who to trust and enemies all around them, Kaiya must decide who she wants to be, if she wants any chance of a future.

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